IN order to speed up and simplify the loan funds, Partner banka offers the possibility to use the overdraft facility on your business account with the Bank.
Amount of loan
Depends on the need and credit capability of the loan beneficiary
Purpose of loan
To improve liquidity
Availability of funds
Withdrawal of funds from the account up to the amount of the overdraft facility
Repayment term
Not later than 12 months after approval date
Interest rate
Depends on the client's credit capability and creditworthiness and the client's total volume of operations with the Bank
Guarantee instruments
These depend on the loan amount and client's credit capability, and include the following:
Personal bills of exchange and IOUs isued by the loan beneficiary
Guarantees provided by other legal entities or natural persons
Receivables ceded by quality companies
Transfer of ownership or a mortgage on real estate / property / shares / ownership stakes
Purpose-specific term deposits ...