Revolving framework
As part of its provision of quality service to clients without delays, the Bank can provide you with Revolving frameworks, enabling you to use the contracted product simply and quickly. Products include loans, guarantees, letters of credit. There are several types of revolving frameworks offered:
  • Revolving framework for guarantees
  • Revolving framework for letters of credit
  • Revolving framework for loans and guarantees
  • Revolving framework for loans and letters of credit
  • Revolving framework for guarantees and letters of credit
  • Revolving framework for loans, guarantees and letters of credit

Total framework amount

Depends on the framework beneficiary's creditworthiness. Maximum framework amounts are contracted for each individual product.

By submitting a request in accordance with the framework conditions without any financial documents, additional processing or contract signature.
It is possible to combine different products depending on the needs of the beneficiary provided they are within the maximum framework amount contracted and in accordance with the framework terms. The framework is available again as soon as a product used has been repaid.

Up to 12 months

Guarantee instruments
These depend on the loan amount and the framework beneficiary's credit capability, and include the following:
  • Personal bills of exchange and IOUs isued by the beneficiary
  • Guarantees provided by other legal entities or natural persons
  • Receivables ceded by quality companies
  • Transfer of ownership or a mortgage on real estate / property / shares / ownership stakes
  • Purpose-specific term deposits ...
Partner banka d.d. Zagreb    |    VonĨinina 2, 10000 Zagreb    |    telefon + 385 1 4602 222    |    telefaks + 385 1 4602 289